Saturday, June 13, 2009

"I only have twenty dollars"

Sometimes.. we get caught up. We get caught up in silly things. Silly things that don't matter in God's plan for us. Silly things that take our eyes.. away.

We live in the moment. We are told to 'live like today is our last', but we choose to live out what WE want. We spend hours..days..years fixating on this world.. When the world is what we should be taking our eyes AWAY from. Our eyes belong on our MAKER. Right?

But, instead.. we crave popularity. Relationships. Riches. Cars. Clothing. Houses.

When did we forget that we weren't put on this earth for OURSELVES? The fact that we are made to WORSHIP a lovely God doesn't seem to be at the top of our minds. We weren't put on this earth to chase the money or the guys.. We were made to chase after our Beloved.


A big, big price. We were paid for with a perfect man's blood.
A man hung on a tree to save you. To save me. To save an entire world. A world that, unfortunately, doesn't care if they can see Him. They don't care to embrace His love. They don't care. Period.

If we consider ourselves children of Christ, it is our CALLING & our RESPONSIBILITY to infect this city.. this state.. this nation.. this WORLD with Our Lord. We are to pour out His Truth over a world crying out for hope.

It is like we were standing in line at a restaurant waiting to pay for our meal. We finally get up to the cashier to find out that our meal cost us $300 dollars. We only have $20 bucks. We freak out.. we try to handle the situation on our own.. until the kind cashier informs us that a nice man paid the price before us. She says that the man knew that we couldn't pay even a fraction of the cost. He knew it was too much for us. She insists that we aren't in trouble.

We walk away from the counter to search after that man. We want to run up and hug Him. We want to sing to Him. We long to praise Him for paying the price. A price that was so steep that we couldn't begin to wrap our mind around.

We were bought for a price.. a price that we cannot even fathom.

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