Sunday, April 26, 2009

six weeks with God's princesses!

So, I sit here with love pouring out of my heart.

I just got home from the last session of a six-week bible study. I experienced this bible study with some gorgeous & Godly girls & women.. & it was a lovely six weeks! Tonight we talked about alot of things.. where our weak places are in our life, what upsets us & what God is trying to whisper to us through His scripture. Honestly, God moved through my heart in a million different ways in the last few weeks.

Tonight, we talked about how Christian girls can sit and relate with each other like no one else can.. How another Christian woman's encouragement can build you up like NOTHING or.. NO ONE else can. I have grown to love and cherish each of the people in my small group. Our leaders are what we all strive to become as Godly women. They love with a selfless and beautiful love that we all hope to give some day!

So tonight, I challenge you.. as a Christian girl (or guy). DON'T STOP ENCOURAGING. Don't ever be too busy. Be there when someone needs you.. and meet them halfway with the Truth.

Lots of love. Always.

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