Tuesday, April 17, 2012

7 weeks.

7 weeks- give or take. 7 weeks left in Florence. 7 weeks until I head to camp, to be a counselor to 12-13 different little daughters of Jesus, a group that will be changing each week, until August. To say that I'm totally loving these girls already is an understatement. I don't know any of their names, birthdays or hobbies.. but I already adore them. I'm already praying my guts out for them. I calculated the other day just how many girls would come in & out of my cabin by August. The number is big. 110, give or take. 110 PRECIOUS creations straight from the Lord. 110 loud, crazy, silly, sassy divababies that I get to do life with for a little bit. I. Am. ECSTATIC. Floored. Over-the-moon excited. 

When I tell people how I'm spending my summer, they giggle. Alot. I hear alot of, "I hope you know what you're getting yourself into", and "Girl, I'll be praying for you." Makes me MORE excited. God has given me a special soft spot in my heart for His daughters. He has CALLED me to be their confidant. Their leader. Their friend. Their secret-keeper. Their sister. It's that simple. He is calling, I am obeying. Happily.

This past Fall, I decided to teach a fifth grade GA (Girls In Action) class. 15-20 girls every single week. 15-20 LOUD, silly, crazy, lovable, squeezable love nuggets. I love each of them. They are sassy, spunky, and completely, utterly different from one another. No two are alike. They are each their own person. They have their own dreams, own laugh, own quirks. And I love them. They have taught me more than I could have ever taught them. They have taught me how to be tender, loving and caring. How to be observant of what's going on around me. To have a soft spot for the lost. To chase after them with the love of Jesus. I love those girls so much it hurts.

7 weeks. 7 little weeks to fill up and up and up until I can overflow into the lives of 13 sweet creations of the Creator. Ready. Expectant. FULL of love and gratitude for the opportunity my Father is laying in my hands. 

Right now, today, I am in a dance. Yesterday, a dear friend of mine was talking to her tender, juicy newborn and said "She'll catch on to this little dance we're doing. She'll eventually get it." Without her knowing, the Lord used that little sentence to grab my whole heart. He's been waiting to dance with me. He's been holding His hand out- patiently waiting until I was ready to reach out with both hands. He is SWEEPING me off of my feet. Romancing me. Loving me crazy much. He. Is. Good. He IS beauty. So.. here we go. 7 weeks.

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