First day of seventh grade. I walk in with a nervous smile, khaki shorts, Sperry Topsiders and a Ralph Lauren polo. I stayed up hours the night before packing all of my pink and green binders, pink pencils and hair accessories into my new, pink, LL Bean bookbag. I opened the door and walked towards a group of girls that were just as nervous as I was. For some reason, we all clicked.
Then, just like that, I blinked.
Six years had gone by. I walked into our Civic Center in a oversized and baggy green gown and a cap that was bound to be a hair-ruiner. I opened the door and walked to the same group of girls that I'd walked to the first day of middle school. We all started giggling, jumping up and down and hugging. Thankfully, some things never change.
This is our last week of summer, which means this is our last week together. Things change now. So, girls, here is a letter to you. Hopefully I can write this without sobbing too terribly hard. I mean every little word of it. Well, here it goes..
Dear Sisters (We're not just "friends" anymore),
Well, here we are. After this week, we grow up a little and go beyond the doors of West Florence Highschool. Some of us are heading to Clemson or Carolina with big dreams of sororities, football games and new beginnings. Some are heading even farther, chasing our dreams down as hard as we can. Yes, we will get to see each other on holidays and other occasions here and there- but there aren't going to be anymore weekly breakfast dates to WaHo or spur of the moment movie nights. We won't spend hours baking cookies and watching movies in our pajamas. We won't get to pass each other in the hall and stop to give a quick hug and an "I love you, girl". Things are going to be different.
But even though miles will separate us, I won't feel distant from you. You girls have been my comforters, my rocks, my partners in crime, my sisters, my BESTfriends and my confidants. We've shared secrets, makeup, beds, clothes, heartaches, victories, memories, tears and many laughs over the course of six years. We've spent hours and hours planning the perfect sleepovers, girl's nights and dinner dates. We have sat around and spilled out our guts to each other at the earliest hours of the morning. We called each other after our first kisses, our first boyfriends and our first real butterflies. We've bundled up for football games, met at Starbucks for afternoons together and thousands of dance parties wherever we went together. Our friendships have surpassed the typical highschool relationships. We each hold a bond with each other that is not easily broken. Yes, we've disagreed- but hardly. We've cried with each other when boys broke our hearts and danced with each other when our dream college sent us an acceptance letter.
We've taken pictures together for all of our Tri-Hi-Y dances and proms. We have been in constant contact with each other for six years- knowing that we are each only a text, phonecall or short drive away. We're able to be honest with each other when it matters, but always encouraging and loving above all else. We've prayed together, lived together, sang together and hurt together.
I praise the Lord when I think of you girls. You have impacted my heart and life in ways you couldn't imagine or fathom. I count each of you as my sisters, future bridesmaids and bestfriends. Although we won't be a short drive away from each other next year, I won't ever be able to replace you girls in my life. You each are special to me in totally different ways. Some of you are leaders who I look to for guidance. Some of you are always there to listen over a cup of coffee. Some of you are the ones who I run to when I need to be cradled in someone's arms. Some of you dance, some of you sing. Some of you are loud, some of you are quiet. But each of you have one thing in common: you are each amazing, beautiful, talented daughters of Christ. Thank you for being the girls God has called and commanded you to be. I'm forever changed because of how you chose to love and laugh with me.
Hugs, kisses & dances parties,

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