At the age of seventeen, I can honestly say I've only had a few of these definining days. I will never, ever forget the day I walked down the aisle of Greenwood Baptist Church & turned my life over to Christ at age 8. I will never forget when my relationship with Christ took over my life in the summer after seventh grade. I will never forget the day my little brother was born. And.. I will never forget yesterday.
My great grandmother is 95 (96 in February!) years old. She is a woman who has a heart for her Lord that overflows into her love for family. She has lived to see Great-Grandchildren, and soon, Great-Great Grandchildren. She always has a kind word on her lips and open arms for anyone who needs them. I have looked forward to visiting her three-or-so times a year since I was a little girl- she always kept juice boxes and toys on hand for us little ones. She has always had a huge part in my life- and she still continues to.
Yesterday my family and I set out to surprise her at her Nursing home, only to find out she had been moved to the hospital. I immediately worried. My thoughts plunged to the worst- but then I knew that she'd be okay. Nana always pulls through. I peaked into the door, only to see someone who just wasn't my Nana. She was in a deep sleep and covered in blankets. We went over and tried to wake her up- but she stayed sound asleep. We tried for over an hour to wake her, with no luck. Finally, she made a noise. We went to her side, begging her to open her eyes- but she couldn't find the strength to do so. We cleared the room for the nurses to do a procedure- and I came back when they were done. It was my Nana and I for about five minutes- five minutes that I will never forget. I held her hand.. trying to get her to open her eyes- and she couldn't. I just kissed her, then I prayed over her. I looked at her and told her that I loved her- and she whispered "Love you". Tears began flowing down my face.. I was overwhelmed by God's presence in the room and in both of our hearts.
I prayed all day. Some prayers were for her to be taken without pain. Others were for her eyes to open one more time before we had to leave. At the end of the day, she ended up opening her eyes and looking at us.. recognizing each of us. She reassured us that she was "going to do fine". I praised God. He gave me a few special moments with my Nana that I won't ever be able to forget. She is weak now- 95 years is catching up with her, and she just needs rest. We are all prepared to let her go.. because we ALL know that God is ready to have his dear daughter with Him after so many years. He gave me a day with my Nana that I will take with me forever.
What a beautiful post! My thoughts are with your family and your sweet little grammy!
i'll keep your family in my prayers...your nana sounds like a great women
Awe! What a sweet post!!! I am praying for your hip g-ma! 95 is a wonderful accomplishment. Xoxo-BLC
that was so touching. you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
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