A few Monday mornings ago, we were fixing leave Lee University in TN to head out to the neighborhood where we were to hold VBS. Before we left the University, Justin (my youthpastor!) challenged us to ask at least one child if they knew how much God loved them. We prayed and drove off, excitedly awaiting the children that God would bring us.
So, an hour later, I found myself sitting on the playground's basketball court with my good friend Bri, a set of twin girls, and another little girl. We were doodling our names.. being silly and laughing together and enjoying the sunshine. Bri and I began to turn our conversation towards Jesus.. and we asked the girls if they'd like to talk about Him. They seemed excited and open to talking about Him, so Bri ran to grab her Bible as I sat the girls down at a picnic table. One little girl grabbed the Bible, holding it close to her chest with a BIG grin on her face. She flipped through the pages as if it was the most lovely thing she'd ever touched. I looked to her and asked her if I could read to her.. she said "YES!", so I turned to Psalms, she picked one, and we read. They listened intently.. making sure not to miss a single word. We asked them if they knew about Jesus' love for them.. and the twins were a little confused. They didn't know who Jesus was. They'd never really heard of Him.. so we told them about Him dying on the cross for us.
It was a beautiful few moments in the sunshine with them. I could feel God's presence filling up that park that morning.. He was smiling down and the sunshine was showing His glory!
I sat and thought about this moment last night. The image of those girls kept flashing through my head.. and their enthusiasm about God's word jumped out in my mind. God really grabbed at my heart.. reminding me of how PRECIOUS His word really is.
How beautiful. How powerful. How lovely. He is the author and illustrator of the greatest romance ever written. I need to embrace His book with the same enthusiasm as those two little twin girls did. I need to hold it close to my heart.. I need to beg of Him to show me something through His words.. I need to sit and listen intently. I need to find myself with anxious excitement about who He brings in my life every moment.. even the rainy ones.

The twins, Deliyah, Bri & I drew "tattoos" on our hands on our special day. These girls touched my heart.. God put them on that court with us to draw with sidewalk chalk for a reason. Praise God for these three children.
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