Now, to catch you up on how I met this little ray of sunshine, I'll have to start from the beginning, won't I?!
So, last Saturday, fifty of my family members (in Christ) boarded two buses, a van, and a car to drive 8 hours to Tennessee. Our Mission: To grow in Christ and to show God's love to a group of children in a low income apartment complex. The week started out with a bang- we arrived, ran through a rainstorm, unpacked and then worshipped our Father as a youthgroup that night. After worship, two people from the trip (myself included) got a little warm during our prayer as a church group & passed out. I ended up having to stay by myself the next day to rest up & drink fluids, and I was a little bummed about that. I spent the whole day in prayer- praying that God would restore my strength and allow me to go out the next day and make a difference for His kingdom. My prayers were answered (of course!), and I woke up the next day ready to hit the ground running!
I stepped off of the bus &, as I was getting crafts ready for the day, I was met with precious faces. Precious faces that I will introduce you to in the next few blog entries, I hope! After a full afternoon full of God's love and some sweet kids, we packed up & headed back to Lee University, where we were staying. That night, I felt like God was really tugging at my heart. He was saying.. "Lauren.. I have given you a heart for children. But.. specifically, Disabled children. PLEASE don't run away from this! It's what I've created you for". I felt him grab my heart over and over again, but I just prayed to him to show me more -if that was His will for me.
So, the next morning I walk into the park where our VBS was taking place, and I was met by Dalton. Sweet, sweet Dalton. He isn't able to talk, walk or communicate, but he sure can SMILE! I saw His smile and my heart sank.. I knew God was giving me a glimpse into His heart- a glimpse of what He wants me to do with my future! I held his hands as we sang Jesus loves me over him.. and I was overflowing with joy!
I adore my God. I am falling madly in love with Him more and more each day, each hour, each minute.. each second! Please ask me about His love if you've never felt it- I would love to pour it out into your heart!
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